Today i was trying to add a “LinkedIn” to my linked in profile button on Blogger.But it was not so easy. You can directly embed the HTML and get the linked in image link if you want but for me it didn’t workde.Then i came to know that the linked in people themselves provide custom buttons that you can add anywhere either to your blog or your websites. But these custom button service is rather hidden ie not visible at the first sight.So i thought that it would be helpful if i share this post with you all. Below i have given detailed description with images on how to add this linked in button to your blog. Steps:-

  1. Just go to

2.Sign into your profile

    3.Goto public profile and click the edit button next to your public profile
    4.Click on promote your profile add custom buttons link
    5. Now you can see a lot of buttons and their respective code which you can directly paste into your blog.