Hi if you are a person who does not update your windows regularly you might get an error when installing windows live products such as Windows Mail or Windows Live Writer or any other windows live products. If this error says you to download Windows update Agent 5.8.02469 or later,So the best solution is to turn on Automatic Windows Update on, but sometimes for average users windows update install some crap things which an average user does not know,so the best possible workaround which i found out after googling is download the update from this link and http://download.windowsupdate.com/WindowsUpdate/redist/standalone/7.0.6000.381/WindowsUpdateAgent30-x86.exe After downloading this your Windows Live Softwares will start installing normally but remember windows live software which you might have downloaded may be a web downloader so if this error is removed and still your software takes time to get installed then let it be because it might be downloading some stuffs from the internet. Also there is quite a lot of information on this link http://jalaj.net/2008/01/20/downloading-windows-update-agent-5802469/