How to change the product key of any windows operating system if you have already installed a key.

You can do it with WinKey Finder with ease.Although you can do it manually by editing some registry key but i think that its not a convinient method. So here is the link where you can donwload this tool and play with it.

How to switch between various opened tabs in various Microsoft Products

Today i  found out a shortcut which saved my life earlier on i was not knowing this shortcut. This shortcut Ctrl + Tab is used to switch between various opened tabs in any microsoft product. I have not tested it for everything but as i am a developer it works fine in Microsoft Sql Server Management Studio and Microsoft Visual Studio. Hope this can save life of many developers.

Attaching .mdf files in Sql Server when you dont have a .ldf file

Hi today i was trying to attach an .mdf file which was not having the .ldf file with it, sql server was giving error with it but later i found a workaround. So to attach a .mdf file without its .ldf file just press remove button at the creation windows in your sql server management studio. It will remove the .ldf file location and create a new .ldf file for your database. Here is a link of how to do this.

Object Reference not set instance of an object error while creating new silverlight application using Silverlight2 beta 2

Yesterday i was facing problems and got the error saying object reference not set instance of object problem. I think the problem is of skip packages So the common workaround is to start visual studio using the devenv /resetskippkgs And if this also doesnot work for you then here is a very good post to help you do have a look at that.

http://localhost is being redirected to

Hi today i met an ackward situation when i was trying to run my localhost by running http://localhost but to my surprise it redirected me to This was only happening when i was trying running my localhost while i was connected to the internet. domain is registered to Matthew Seidl and have an ip address of so if you will ping it will ping to this address. So after doing a lot of research i found out the reason for this culprit. The most important point was that if you have bychance enabled IPV6 support in Windows XP then please uninstall it as it is doing all the redirection. If this doesnot works then do check the host entry in your C:/Windows/System32/Drivers/etc folder it must have localhost being mapped to and none other if there is some other entry please delete.