Sending List of Complex objects to Sql server 2005 and persisting it in the database

There are situations when you have to do multiple inserts on a single event there are multiple ways to handle this situation.The simplest and which most of the developers do and make a blunder is making individual calls to the database. One common example can be a grid which have facility of multiple Insert in such a situation on a single add button click you have to make hundreds of insert or even thousands,there are more genuine scenarios such as, suppose you are making a Silverlight CMS system and you have to save the state of the page containing various sections such as Header,MenuBar,MainContent and Footer which have all the things customizable, in such a scenario you have to save hundreds of settings on a single save button click and you again have to show the user his settings when he again loads the website. For such situations involving hundreds or thousands of db inserts and updates making individual calls over the network is not at all good,instead i will say that its the worst approach. There are other approaches,most common of them is sending a list of comma separated values.Ideally this can be said to be a workaround if you are sending just an array or a list of one or two field objects.But for complex objects its the worst solution which i have ever seen and this solution very well persist over the internet. But its has various disadvantages first one is that there is complex string manipulation associated with this approach,you will be sending something like this “5,6,9,8,45,78,5,6” and then splitting this string on the comma’s(,).Another disadvantage is that this approach is sql injection prone and above all string manipulation is never considered a good design paradigm. So here in this article i will discuss about the way which i think is the best way to persist changes to the database in such a situation. We will be making use of xml support of the sql server 2005 and xml serialization of objects in C# to achieve our goal. Example Description:-This example is an application in Silverlight 2.0 with WCF,Linq,

    public class WebsiteContainer
        public int WebsiteContainerID { get; set; }

        public int UserID { get; set; }
        public double LogoHeight { get; set; }
        public double LogoWidth { get; set; }
        public double LogoTop { get; set; }
        public double LogoLeft { get; set; }
        public string LogoFileName { get; set; }
        public string BgColor { get; set; }
        public string Text { get; set; }
        public double TextFontSize { get; set; }
        public string TextFontFamily { get; set; }
        public double TextLeft { get; set; }
        public double TextTop { get; set; }
        public string TextColor { get; set; }
        public double TextScale { get; set; }
        public double Padding { get; set; }
        public int ContainerTypeID { get; set; }
        public int WebsiteID { get; set; }
        public double ContainerHeight { get; set; }
        public double ContainerWidth { get; set; }


 Its important to note that you have to place a serializable attribute on top of the class declaration so that this class’s object can be serialized to XML while sending it to Sql server.

Now the second step is to write the C# code to serialize this object to XML to transmit over the network.

  public static string SerializeObject<T>(List<T> objects)
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            foreach (var obj in objects)
                    XmlWriterSettings writerSettings = new XmlWriterSettings();
                    writerSettings.OmitXmlDeclaration = true;
                    writerSettings.Indent = true;
                    using (XmlWriter xmlWriter = XmlWriter.Create(sb, writerSettings))
                        XmlSerializer xs = new XmlSerializer(typeof(T));
                        XmlSerializerNamespaces ns = new XmlSerializerNamespaces();
                        ns.Add(String.Empty, String.Empty);
                        xs.Serialize(xmlWriter, obj, ns);
                    return string.Empty;
            return sb.ToString();

Above function will take a list of type T and then iterate through each object inside the list and serialize the object and append the serialized object string to a stringbuilder ‘sb’

Here i would like to mention the real thing which you might miss is that , by default the writer settings are set to bring namespaces and xml dtd information which will result in error saying “XML parsing: line 1, character 841, text/xmldecl not at the beginning of input

To rectify this error you have to add the writerSetting.OmitXmlDeclaration = true and also add empty namespaces using the XmlSerializerNamespaces this will give you a clean xml which can be parsed by the sql server 2005

Finally we return the string builder object after converting it to string.

After this step we have a serialized string of the whole list of objects as shown in given figure

Now the next step is to get this xml serialized object list into the stored proc.Given below is the code on how can you retrieve this list in sql server 2005

Create PROCEDURE [dbo].[SaveWebsite]
@WebsiteContainerXML XML


SET @WebsiteID = (SELECT TOP 1 WebsiteContainerValues.ID.value('.','INT') FROM @WebsiteContainerXML.nodes('/WebsiteContainer/WebsiteID') as WebsiteContainerValues(ID) )

		DELETE FROM dbo.WebsiteContainer WHERE WebsiteID = @WebsiteID	
		IF @@ERROR <> 0
    RAISERROR ('Error deleting records', 16, 1)
		INSERT INTO dbo.WebsiteContainer (
				WebsiteContainerTab.WebsiteContainerCol.value('UserID[1]','int') AS UserID,
                WebsiteContainerTab.WebsiteContainerCol.value('LogoHeight[1]','float') AS LogoHeight,  
                WebsiteContainerTab.WebsiteContainerCol.value('LogoWidth[1]','float') AS LogoWidth,  
                WebsiteContainerTab.WebsiteContainerCol.value('LogoTop[1]','float') AS LogoTop,  
                WebsiteContainerTab.WebsiteContainerCol.value('LogoLeft[1]','float') AS LogoLeft,  
                WebsiteContainerTab.WebsiteContainerCol.value('LogoFileName[1]','varchar(50)') AS LogoFileName,  
                WebsiteContainerTab.WebsiteContainerCol.value('BgColor[1]','varchar(50)') AS BgColor,  
                WebsiteContainerTab.WebsiteContainerCol.value('Text[1]','varchar(50)') AS TEXT,  
                WebsiteContainerTab.WebsiteContainerCol.value('TextFontSize[1]','float') AS TextFontSize,  
                WebsiteContainerTab.WebsiteContainerCol.value('TextFontFamily[1]','varchar(50)') AS TextFontFamily,  
                WebsiteContainerTab.WebsiteContainerCol.value('TextTop[1]','float') AS TextTop,  
                WebsiteContainerTab.WebsiteContainerCol.value('TextLeft[1]','float') AS TextLeft,  
				WebsiteContainerTab.WebsiteContainerCol.value('TextColor[1]','varchar(50)') AS TextColor,  
				WebsiteContainerTab.WebsiteContainerCol.value('TextScale[1]','float') AS TextScale,  
				WebsiteContainerTab.WebsiteContainerCol.value('Padding[1]','float') AS Padding,
				WebsiteContainerTab.WebsiteContainerCol.value('ContainerTypeID[1]','int') AS ContainerTypeID,  
				WebsiteContainerTab.WebsiteContainerCol.value('WebsiteID[1]','int') AS WebsiteID,  
				WebsiteContainerTab.WebsiteContainerCol.value('ContainerHeight[1]','float') AS ContainerHeight,  
				WebsiteContainerTab.WebsiteContainerCol.value('ContainerWidth[1]','float') AS ContainerWidth,
				WebsiteContainerTab.WebsiteContainerCol.value('IsRightAligned[1]','bit') AS IsRightAligned    
          FROM @WebsiteContainerXML.nodes('//WebsiteContainer') AS WebsiteContainerTab(WebsiteContainerCol) 

IF @@ERROR <> 0


    RAISERROR ('Error Inserting in WebContainers', 16, 1)


You can refer the syntax to retrieve and iterate through the serialized list and then inserting into the database.

Important to make a note that you don’t have to manually iterate through to get the count and then again run some loop inside the stored proc for storing the above syntax will automatically iterate through all the nodes and insert each record.

Happy Programming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Part 1:- Some useful scripts which come handy while working with sql server 2005

    1. Getting all the primary key and foreign keys in a given database

from sysobjects 
where Xtype in ('F' , 'pK') 

This script can be used to get all the primary key and foreign key relationships within a given database.It sometimes can be helpful on a project with a complex database having hundreds and thousands of relationships and in such a database if you have to perform some major changes so you can have a quick look and you can know which all tables and relationship will be effected by these changes.

2. Delete All the Stored Procs for a particular database

Alter Procedure dbo.DeleteAllProcedures
      declare @procName varchar(500)
      declare cur cursor
            for select [name] from sys.objects where type = 'p'
      open cur
      fetch next from cur into @procName
      while @@fetch_status = 0
            if @procName &lt;&gt; 'DeleteAllProcedures'
                  exec('drop procedure ' + @procName)
                  fetch next from cur into @procName
      close cur
      deallocate cur

      Grant Execute On dbo.DeleteAllProcedures To Public


This can only be handy when you want to delete all the user defined stored procs for a particular database

3.Change the default owner of a stored proc

USE YourDataBaseName
  @OldOwner sysname,
  @NewOwner sysname

 SET @OldOwner = 'dbo'
 SET @NewOwner = 'dev'

SELECT  name
FROM sysobjects
WHERE  type = 'p' 
  uid = (SELECT uid FROM sysusers WHERE name = @OldOwner) 
  NOT name LIKE 'dt%' FOR READ ONLY  

DECLARE @ProcName sysname

    IF @@VERSION &gt;= 'Microsoft SQL Server 2005'
        EXEC('alter schema ' + @NewOwner + ' transfer ' + @OldOwner + '.' + @ProcName)
        exec('alter authorization on ' + @NewOwner + '.' + @ProcName + ' to schema owner')
        EXEC('sp_changeobjectowner ''' + @OldOwner + '.' + @ProcName + ''', ''' + @NewOwner + '''')


4.Finding any stored proc containing the text of your choice

    WHERE ROUTINE_DEFINITION LIKE '%yoursearchtext%' 

5.Reducing the size of your transaction log

dbcc shrinkfile (mydatabasename_log, 10);

This command will reduce the size of your database transaction log to 10MB. But if you are on production then you should not use this method to shrink your database, you should avoid shrinking the database without finding the probable reason why is it growing so fast.

jQuery & :- How to implement paging,sorting and filtering on a client side grid using,jTemplates and JSON

This article will concentrate only on high performance grid implementation using jQuery,JSON, .net,Linq.Most of us in our career face a situation when we want performance intensive i.e solutions where high performance is the topmost priority.

In such scenarios Gridview,Repeater and all other server side controls are far too much of a thing and above all if you want paging,sorting and filtering functionality also in them, then instead of becoming high performance it just becomes a creepy solution which we want to say as high performing because we couldn't find out any other solution in the give amount of time.

In this article i will cover almost every aspect which is important i.e "Paging" , "Sorting" , "Filtering" data on basis of columns.Although many of us are using already available handy solutions whose family include Telerik Rad Controls,Infragistics Controls or DevExpress on the server side and other solutions such as Ingrid and FlexiGrid  which are very popular as client side data grids.So the goal of this article is to achieve the same functionalities  which other client side grids achieve. Having your own code with all the scripts written by you and every stored proc which you can understand will give you a lot more confidence in achieving what you want.This little effort will prove far more better then the tedious task in what others have implemented.Here i would like to be as simple as i can although some stored procs might seem a little complex but mind you if you consider yourself a so-so kind of a guy for SQL and stored procs then they are just a piece of cake.


This implementation is very simple and just act as a beginning to others who want to implement their own logic.First step is always the hard step, so i m trying to provide that first step,although very basic but this article will solve really complex problems.Also this article is not  intended to compete or compare with any of the above mentioned controls, it just speaks of how simple things can be achieved in simple ways.


  1. Creating a stored proc which will support paging.
  2. Creating a stored proc which will support sorting(Here it is implemented with limited functionality,you can extend and make it generic)
  3. Creating a stored proc which supports filtering (Here it is implemented with limited functionality,you can extend and make it generic)
  4. Creating the business objects to retrieve the paged results and also total records this will be a little complex object for JSON to understand but there are very easy ways which we will discuss to achieve this.
  5. Creating a DAO or Data Access Layer which simply consists of a DataContext based call to this stored proc.
  6. Creating a Service Layer function to call this DAO implementation of the Stored Proc.
  7. Calling this Service Layer Function from our Page.Here we are using WebMethods to demonstrate this example, i would prefer you to use WCF Restful services but here i m using this just because there are very few examples using WebMethods and several examples using Web Services,although WebService way is far more better but if you want things to be simple and not want the hassle of extra security for the WebService layer , or your client does not want a web service model then WebMethods approach would be the only other good alternative.
  8. Calling this WebMethod from built in jQuery ajax functions to get a JSON response from the server.
  9. This step will include plugging in your jTemplate or any other templating engine which suits your need and rendering the data with some tweaks using jQuery
  10. That's all what you need to do while implementing your own grid.

1.Creating a stored proc which will support paging,sorting and filtering

-- =============================================
-- Author:		Aashish Gupta
-- Create date: Feb 14
-- Description:	Retrieves campaigns for advertiser having paging,sorting and filtering facility
-- =============================================
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetCampaignByAdvId]
@pageNum INT ,
@pageSize INT,
@sortColumnName VARCHAR(200),
@sortDirection INT	,
@filterStatusId INT,
@advertiserAccId INT,
@totalRecords INT out	
DECLARE @campaigns TABLE
(CampaignID int,row_num int);
IF @filterStatusId = 0
	INSERT INTO @campaigns
	CASE WHEN @sortDirection = 1 THEN NULL			
			WHEN @sortColumnName = 'CampaignName' THEN CONVERT(VARCHAR(200),CampaignName)
			WHEN @sortColumnName = 'CampaignStatusName' THEN CONVERT(VARCHAR(100),CampaignStatusName)
			WHEN @sortColumnName = 'UtcStartDate' THEN CONVERT(VARCHAR(100),UtcStartDate)
			WHEN @sortColumnName = 'UtcEndDate' THEN CONVERT(VARCHAR(100),UtcStartDate)
			CASE WHEN @sortDirection <> 1 THEN NULL
			WHEN @sortColumnName = 'CampaignName' THEN CONVERT(VARCHAR(200),CampaignName)
			WHEN @sortColumnName = 'CampaignStatusName' THEN CONVERT(VARCHAR(100),CampaignStatusName)
			WHEN @sortColumnName = 'UtcStartDate' THEN CONVERT(VARCHAR(100),UtcStartDate)
			WHEN @sortColumnName = 'UtcEndDate' THEN CONVERT(VARCHAR(100),UtcStartDate)
	) AS [row_num] FROM dbo.CampaignDetailsView c WHERE c.AdvertiserAccountID = @advertiserAccId
	SET @totalRecords = @@ROWCOUNT
	SELECT c.* FROM dbo.CampaignDetailsView AS c JOIN @campaigns AS tc ON c.CampaignID = tc.CampaignID
	WHERE tc.row_num BETWEEN (((@PageNum - 1) * @PageSize) + 1) 
AND (@PageNum * @PageSize)
ORDER BY tc.row_num

Return @totalRecords
	INSERT INTO @campaigns
	CASE WHEN @sortDirection = 1 THEN NULL			
			WHEN @sortColumnName = 'CampaignName' THEN CONVERT(VARCHAR(200),CampaignName)
			WHEN @sortColumnName = 'CampaignStatusName' THEN CONVERT(VARCHAR(100),CampaignStatusName)
			WHEN @sortColumnName = 'UtcStartDate' THEN CONVERT(VARCHAR(100),UtcStartDate)
			WHEN @sortColumnName = 'UtcEndDate' THEN CONVERT(VARCHAR(100),UtcStartDate)
			CASE WHEN @sortDirection <> 1 THEN NULL
			WHEN @sortColumnName = 'CampaignName' THEN CONVERT(VARCHAR(200),CampaignName)
			WHEN @sortColumnName = 'CampaignStatusName' THEN CONVERT(VARCHAR(100),CampaignStatusName)
			WHEN @sortColumnName = 'UtcStartDate' THEN CONVERT(VARCHAR(100),UtcStartDate)
			WHEN @sortColumnName = 'UtcEndDate' THEN CONVERT(VARCHAR(100),UtcStartDate)
			) AS [row_num] FROM dbo.CampaignDetailsView c WHERE c.AdvertiserAccountID = @advertiserAccId AND c.CampaignStatusID = @filterStatusId
	SET @totalRecords = @@ROWCOUNT
	SELECT c.* FROM dbo.CampaignDetailsView AS c JOIN @campaigns AS tc ON c.CampaignID = tc.CampaignID
	WHERE tc.row_num BETWEEN (((@PageNum - 1) * @PageSize) + 1) 
AND (@PageNum * @PageSize)
ORDER BY tc.row_num

Return @totalRecords

This is the whole stored proc actually what you need for implementing paging,sorting and filtering.

Let me go deep and explain what it does.It takes 6 input parameters and one output parameters.


@pageNum INT ,
@pageSize INT,
@sortColumnName VARCHAR(200),
@sortDirection INT	,
@filterStatusId INT,
@advertiserAccId INT,
@totalRecords INT out
  • @pageNum refers to the current page no which we will pass every time from the UI.If our current pageSize is 10 on every call we will fetch only 10 records which is very good as far as performance is considered.Another approach here could be to fetch every record from the Database and then use Linq in your application level to fetch 10 records only at your client end.This second approach can be very handy if you are trying to make a generic client side control with this implementation,but if you have full control over your Database and stored procs i.e if you are developing whole application for your client from UI to Database then the approach i have discussed would be the best but if you dont have access to modifying and creating the stored procs then you can use direct Linq to get the limited amount of records from application layer to the client.In both cases the data brought to the client side would be the same but in direct linq case there will be time lapse in bringing huge data from Database Layer to application layer.So you can also use this second i.e linq approach if your application and DB both are running on the same server.But anyways i prefer the first modifying the stored proc approach because it is the best.
  • @pageSize is the total no of records you want to be displayed per page.
  • @sortColumnName is the name of the actual column which you want to sort.From the UI  we will pass this name by catching which column was actually clicked.
  • @sortDirection is the SortDirection either ASC or DESC
  • @filterStatusId this is my custom implementation which is very specific you can extend it very easily,i couldn't get time to implement this may be one of you can implement it and share the code here.
  • @advertiserAccountId this is a custom parameter which is passed to retrieve the campaigns related to an advertiser.
  • @totalRecords this is an output type parameter which always returns the total no of records which are required for paging.
DECLARE @campaigns TABLE
(CampaignID int,row_num int);

This declares a temporary table which will hold all the actual sorted and filtered records which we will join with the original table and implement paging by providing the pageSize and pageCount logic and retrieving only required amount of records.


INSERT INTO @campaigns
	CASE WHEN @sortDirection = 1 THEN NULL			
			WHEN @sortColumnName = 'CampaignName' THEN CONVERT(VARCHAR(200),CampaignName)
			WHEN @sortColumnName = 'CampaignStatusName' THEN CONVERT(VARCHAR(100),CampaignStatusName)
			WHEN @sortColumnName = 'UtcStartDate' THEN CONVERT(VARCHAR(100),UtcStartDate)
			WHEN @sortColumnName = 'UtcEndDate' THEN CONVERT(VARCHAR(100),UtcStartDate)
			CASE WHEN @sortDirection <> 1 THEN NULL
			WHEN @sortColumnName = 'CampaignName' THEN CONVERT(VARCHAR(200),CampaignName)
			WHEN @sortColumnName = 'CampaignStatusName' THEN CONVERT(VARCHAR(100),CampaignStatusName)
			WHEN @sortColumnName = 'UtcStartDate' THEN CONVERT(VARCHAR(100),UtcStartDate)
			WHEN @sortColumnName = 'UtcEndDate' THEN CONVERT(VARCHAR(100),UtcStartDate)
	) AS [row_num] FROM dbo.CampaignDetailsView c WHERE c.AdvertiserAccountID = @advertiserAccId

2. This includes selection of all records in temporary table based on sorting inside the order by clause.Here we are passing sortDirection based on which the records are sorted either ascending or descending.This is the most important part of this stored proc.

SET @totalRecords = @@ROWCOUNT
	SELECT c.* FROM dbo.CampaignDetailsView AS c JOIN @campaigns AS tc ON c.CampaignID = tc.CampaignID
	WHERE tc.row_num BETWEEN (((@PageNum - 1) * @PageSize) + 1) 
AND (@PageNum * @PageSize)
ORDER BY tc.row_num

Return @totalRecords

This is the main step where paging is actually implemented.Its very simple join of temp and actual table and then retrieving the pageSize amount of records between the currentPage and the nextPage

AS [row_num] FROM dbo.CampaignDetailsView c WHERE c.AdvertiserAccountID = @advertiserAccId AND c.CampaignStatusID = @filterStatusId

3. Filtering is pretty straight forward you can just get only the records by passing a parameter here we are filtering records on the filterStatusId passed from the UI

Filtering is straight forward but sorting is little typical because you cannot write like this Order by @passedparameter @passedSortDirection.This will result in errors.

4. Actually my business object creation required two objects according to my model you can very well make changes according to your requirements.I have created two BO one having simply the private members and properties of the CampaignDetails and also named as CampaignDetails and other is a complex object although merely simple, it just holds total records which are passed by our stored proc and the list of records passed by our stored proc

public class CampaignDetails
        private int _CampaignID;

        private string _CampaignName;

        private int _AdvertiserAccountID;

        private System.Nullable<int> _BrandProfileID;

        private int _AudienceProfileID;

        private decimal _BudgetAmount;

        private System.DateTime _UtcStartDate;

        private System.DateTime _UtcEndDate;

        private int _CampaignStatusID;

        private int _BuyTypeID;

        private int _PacingTypeID;

        private System.DateTime _CreatedDateTime;

        private string _AudienceProfileName;

        private string _BrandProfilename;

        private string _BrandName;

        private int _BusinessCategoryID;

        private string _BusinessCategoryName;

        private string _CampaignStatusDescription;

        private string _CampaignStatusName;

        private string _SalesChannelName;

        private System.Nullable<int> _GenderID;

        [Column(Storage = "_CampaignID", DbType = "Int NOT NULL")]
        public int CampaignID
                return this._CampaignID;
                if ((this._CampaignID != value))
                    this._CampaignID = value;

        [Column(Storage = "_CampaignName", DbType = "NVarChar(200) NOT NULL", CanBeNull = false)]
        public string CampaignName
                return this._CampaignName;
                if ((this._CampaignName != value))
                    this._CampaignName = value;

        [Column(Storage = "_AdvertiserAccountID", DbType = "Int NOT NULL")]
        public int AdvertiserAccountID
                return this._AdvertiserAccountID;
                if ((this._AdvertiserAccountID != value))
                    this._AdvertiserAccountID = value;

        [Column(Storage = "_BrandProfileID", DbType = "Int")]
        public System.Nullable<int> BrandProfileID
                return this._BrandProfileID;
                if ((this._BrandProfileID != value))
                    this._BrandProfileID = value;

        [Column(Storage = "_AudienceProfileID", DbType = "Int NOT NULL")]
        public int AudienceProfileID
                return this._AudienceProfileID;
                if ((this._AudienceProfileID != value))
                    this._AudienceProfileID = value;

        [Column(Storage = "_BudgetAmount", DbType = "Money NOT NULL")]
        public decimal BudgetAmount
                return this._BudgetAmount;
                if ((this._BudgetAmount != value))
                    this._BudgetAmount = value;

        [Column(Storage = "_UtcStartDate", DbType = "DateTime NOT NULL")]
        public System.DateTime UtcStartDate
                return this._UtcStartDate;
                if ((this._UtcStartDate != value))
                    this._UtcStartDate = value;

        [Column(Storage = "_UtcEndDate", DbType = "DateTime NOT NULL")]
        public System.DateTime UtcEndDate
                return this._UtcEndDate;
                if ((this._UtcEndDate != value))
                    this._UtcEndDate = value;

        [Column(Storage = "_CampaignStatusID", DbType = "Int NOT NULL")]
        public int CampaignStatusID
                return this._CampaignStatusID;
                if ((this._CampaignStatusID != value))
                    this._CampaignStatusID = value;

        [Column(Storage = "_BuyTypeID", DbType = "Int NOT NULL")]
        public int BuyTypeID
                return this._BuyTypeID;
                if ((this._BuyTypeID != value))
                    this._BuyTypeID = value;

        [Column(Storage = "_PacingTypeID", DbType = "Int NOT NULL")]
        public int PacingTypeID
                return this._PacingTypeID;
                if ((this._PacingTypeID != value))
                    this._PacingTypeID = value;

        [Column(Storage = "_CreatedDateTime", DbType = "DateTime NOT NULL")]
        public System.DateTime CreatedDateTime
                return this._CreatedDateTime;
                if ((this._CreatedDateTime != value))
                    this._CreatedDateTime = value;

        [Column(Storage = "_AudienceProfileName", DbType = "NVarChar(200) NOT NULL", CanBeNull = false)]
        public string AudienceProfileName
                return this._AudienceProfileName;
                if ((this._AudienceProfileName != value))
                    this._AudienceProfileName = value;

        [Column(Storage = "_BrandProfilename", DbType = "NVarChar(200) NOT NULL", CanBeNull = false)]
        public string BrandProfilename
                return this._BrandProfilename;
                if ((this._BrandProfilename != value))
                    this._BrandProfilename = value;

        [Column(Storage = "_BrandName", DbType = "NVarChar(200) NOT NULL", CanBeNull = false)]
        public string BrandName
                return this._BrandName;
                if ((this._BrandName != value))
                    this._BrandName = value;

        [Column(Storage = "_BusinessCategoryID", DbType = "Int NOT NULL")]
        public int BusinessCategoryID
                return this._BusinessCategoryID;
                if ((this._BusinessCategoryID != value))
                    this._BusinessCategoryID = value;

        [Column(Storage = "_BusinessCategoryName", DbType = "NVarChar(200)")]
        public string BusinessCategoryName
                return this._BusinessCategoryName;
                if ((this._BusinessCategoryName != value))
                    this._BusinessCategoryName = value;

        [Column(Storage = "_CampaignStatusDescription", DbType = "NVarChar(500)")]
        public string CampaignStatusDescription
                return this._CampaignStatusDescription;
                if ((this._CampaignStatusDescription != value))
                    this._CampaignStatusDescription = value;

        [Column(Storage = "_CampaignStatusName", DbType = "NVarChar(50) NOT NULL", CanBeNull = false)]
        public string CampaignStatusName
                return this._CampaignStatusName;
                if ((this._CampaignStatusName != value))
                    this._CampaignStatusName = value;

        [Column(Storage = "_SalesChannelName", DbType = "NVarChar(200) NOT NULL", CanBeNull = false)]
        public string SalesChannelName
                return this._SalesChannelName;
                if ((this._SalesChannelName != value))
                    this._SalesChannelName = value;

        [Column(Storage = "_GenderID", DbType = "Int")]
        public System.Nullable<int> GenderID
                return this._GenderID;
                if ((this._GenderID != value))
                    this._GenderID = value;

Now the other object holding the list of CampaignDetails and total records is CampaignDetailsPaged

public class CampaignDetailsPaged
        private List<CampaignDetails> campaignDetailsAdvertiser;

        public int TotalRecords { get; set; }

        public List<CampaignDetails> CampaignDetailsAdvertiser
                if(campaignDetailsAdvertiser == null)
                    campaignDetailsAdvertiser = new List<CampaignDetails>();
                return campaignDetailsAdvertiser;


5. Creating the DAO Layer function

This is fairly simple, if you are lazy just drag and drop your stored proc in your dbml file and see the designer.cs file for the code.Actually here i am having different data context and i m not using the Linq dbml file at all , i only mentioned it to just help in easing and creating the required code for the stored proc.

[Function(Name = "dbo.GetCampaignByAdvId")]
        public ISingleResult<CampaignDetails> GetCampaignByAdvId([Parameter(DbType = "Int")] System.Nullable<int> pageNum, [Parameter(DbType = "Int")] System.Nullable<int> pageSize, [Parameter(DbType = "VarChar(200)")] string sortColumnName, [Parameter(DbType = "Int")] System.Nullable<int> sortDirection, [Parameter(DbType = "Int")] System.Nullable<int> filterStatusId, [Parameter(DbType = "Int")] System.Nullable<int> advertiserAccId, [Parameter(DbType = "Int")] ref System.Nullable<int> totalRecords)
            IExecuteResult result = this.ExecuteMethodCall(this, ((MethodInfo)(MethodInfo.GetCurrentMethod())), pageNum, pageSize, sortColumnName, sortDirection, filterStatusId, advertiserAccId, totalRecords);
            totalRecords = ((System.Nullable<int>)(result.GetParameterValue(6)));
            return ((ISingleResult<CampaignDetails>)(result.ReturnValue));

6. Creating the Service Layer function

Actually speaking we already have completed all the difficult parts and now very simple things are left, now we are just connecting the dots and nothing else

public CampaignDetailsPaged GetCampaignsByAdvertiserId(int pageNum, int pageSize, int advertiserAccId, string sortColumnName,
 int sortDirection, int filterStatusId)
        AdBuyerDataContext adBuyerDataContext = new AdBuyerDataContext(dbConnString);
        int? totalRecords = 0;
        CampaignDetailsPaged campaignDetailsPaged = new CampaignDetailsPaged();
        var ret = adBuyerDataContext.GetCampaignByAdvId(pageNum, pageSize, sortColumnName, sortDirection, filterStatusId,
            advertiserAccId, ref totalRecords);
        List<CampaignDetails> campaignDetails = ret.ToList<CampaignDetails>();
        campaignDetailsPaged.TotalRecords = totalRecords.Value;
        if (campaignDetails.Count > 0)
            foreach (CampaignDetails campaigns in campaignDetails)
        return campaignDetailsPaged;

Here totalrecords returned from the stored proc out parameter are assigned to the TotalRecords property of CampaignDetailsPaged BO and List of campaignDetails is also generated and BO CampaignDetails is returned

7. Calling this Service Layer Function from our Page

Calling this service layer function from the page is also pretty straightforward you just have to include a reference in your code behind file to System.Web.Service and write your code as given below

   public static CampaignDetailsPaged GetCampaignsForAdvertiser(string currPage, string pageSize, string advertiserAccId,
       string sortColumnName, int sortDirection, int filterStatusId)
       YourService yourService = new YourService();
       int currentPage = Int32.Parse(currPage);
       int pagesize = Int32.Parse(pageSize);
       int advertiserid = Int32.Parse(advertiserAccId);
       return yourService.GetCampaignsByAdvertiserId(currentPage, pagesize, advertiserid, sortColumnName, sortDirection,


Here we are passing all the required parameters from the UI.One disadvantage of using WebMethods is that the method needs to be static so you cannot access non-static members of the page in this static web method that means you cannot access any server side controls on the page inside this static method, but in our implementation we are not using any server side controls that's why we can use WebMethods

The better approach would have been to use WCF Restful services which can return result in both XML and JSON formats.

I am using WebMethods for particular reason that there  are not so many clear examples available for the WebMethod to be used with jQuery,JSON

Another reason is in your specific implementation your client does not want to use the WebService way then these WebMethods can come handy.

8. Calling this WebMethod from built in jQuery ajax functions to get a JSON response from the server.

function ClientProxy(methodName, paramArray, successFunction, errorFunction) {
    var pagePath = window.location.pathname;
    var paramList = '';

    if (paramArray.length > 0) {
        for (var i = 0; i < paramArray.length; i += 2) {
            if (paramList.length > 0) paramList += ',';
            paramList += '"' + paramArray[i] + '"' + ':' + '"' + paramArray[i + 1] + '"';
    paramList = '{' + paramList + '}';

        type: "POST",
        url: pagePath + "/" + methodName,
        contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
        data: paramList,
        dataType: "json",
        success: function(msg) {
        error: function() {
    return false;

I have wrapped the $.ajax() jQuery function for Generalizing it to be used with any method and you need not to duplicate it every time.

In this method i receive the

methodName i.e name of WebMethod to be called,

paramArray i.e an array having key value pairs in form of JSON string,

successFunction i.e the function to be called on successful completion of the ajax call

errorFunction i.e the function to be called when an error occurs while retrieving the results
9. Plugging in your jTemplate or any other templating engine

jTemplate is a really very cool and interesting templating engine available out there only problem with this is that its python style syntax may confuse you.But i found it really very powerful.

If you are not using jQuery and using MicorosoftAjax then you can also give try to inbuilt templating features in the new release of Microsoft Ajax Framework

Bertrand Le Roy's has a very good entry explaining Microsoft Ajax templating here :-

I have personally chose jTemplates as i was using jQuery and i was not using Microsoft Ajax at all in my approach.But ups and downs are always there,anyways you can choose anything.But if you are following a approach in which you don't use Microsoft Ajax Framework then jTemplates is the best approach to go.

Also you can choose John Resig's micro template they are also a better alternative small and robust and can be found here

Major Benefits of using templates is that you can have full control over your rendered HTML and you call only data on the page not the html from the server.

This actually is the main drawback of using the update panel as such in your applications update panel by default brings all your markup as well as data again from the server.So if someone out there is using Update Panels be careful while putting the controls and other content inside the update panel.

Coming to our case we will receive the pure JSON response as

There is a cool way of inserting templates inside your markup, you can achieve this by using

<script type="text/html">

Call the ClientProxy Function to call the webmethod as we have already discussed and pass the required parameters

function LoadCampaign() {
                ClientProxy("GetCampaignsForAdvertiser", ["currPage", currCampaignPage, "pageSize", numPerPage, "advertiserAccId", advertiserAccId, "sortColumnName", sortColumnName, "sortDirection", sortDirection, "filterStatusId", filterId],
            function(msg) { ApplyTemplateCampaign(msg); }, function() { errorApplyTemplate(); });

Now to implement paging you need a little code

LoadPaging actually initializes the the paging functionality and here we set the pageCount and call the setCampaignPaging() function which checks if the currentPage is the first page or the last page this is to disable and enable the previous and next buttons.

CampaignNextPage and CampaignPreviousPage are used to navigate to previous and next pages in the list.

function loadCampaignPaging(totalRecords) {
           campaignPageCount = Math.ceil(totalRecords / numPerPage);
       function setCampaignPaging() {
           if (currCampaignPage === 1) {
               $('#prevCampaign').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
           } else {
               $('#prevCampaign').attr('disabled', '');

           if (currCampaignPage === campaignPageCount) {
               $('#nextCampaign').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
           } else {
               $('#nextCampaign').attr('disabled', '');

       function CampaignNextPage() {
           currCampaignPage = currCampaignPage + 1;
           ClientProxyDateFormatted("GetCampaignsForAdvertiser", ["currPage", currCampaignPage, "pageSize", numPerPage, "advertiserAccId", advertiserAccId, "sortColumnName", sortColumnName, "sortDirection", sortDirection, "filterStatusId", filterId],
           function(msg) { ApplyTemplateCampaign(msg); }, function() { errorApplyTemplate(); });


       function CampaignPrevPage() {
           currCampaignPage = currCampaignPage - 1;
           ClientProxyDateFormatted("GetCampaignsForAdvertiser", ["currPage", currCampaignPage, "pageSize", numPerPage, "advertiserAccId", advertiserAccId, "sortColumnName", sortColumnName, "sortDirection", sortDirection, "filterStatusId", filterId],
           function(msg) { ApplyTemplateCampaign(msg); }, function() { errorApplyTemplate(); });

ApplyTemplateCampaign(msg) by doing this we are calling a function ApplyTemplateCampaign(msg) and in this function we are passing the results received from the server.

Actually ApplyTemplateCampaign function calls the SetTemplate and processTemplate methods which actually fill and load data from the page to the actual UI

function ApplyTemplateCampaign(msg) {
            var totalRecords = msg.d.TotalRecords;
            null, { filter_data: false });

#campaignDetailsContent is the name of the actual empty div on which the template will be applied and #CampaignDetailsAdvertiser is the id of the template which will be applied

 <script id="CampaignDetailsAdvertiser" type="text/html">
    <table id="campaignDetailsTable">
                Budget Used
            Budget Remaining
            Impressions Goal
            Impressions Delivered
            Clicks Delivered
            Start Date
            End Date
        {#foreach $T.d.CampaignDetailsAdvertiser as campaign}
            <td class="id">
                <a class="lnkCampaignName" href="CampaignDetails.aspx?campaignId={$T.campaign.CampaignID}">{$T.campaign.CampaignName}</a>
                <div class="infoContainerCampaign">
                    <div class="shoutContainerCampaign">
                    <div class="infoContentCampaign">
                        <li><span class="rollOverHeading" >Budget :</span>{$T.campaign.BudgetAmount}</li>
                        <li><span class="rollOverHeading" >Duration :</span>{$T.campaign.UtcStartDate}-
                        <li><span class="rollOverHeading" >Brand Profile :</span>{$T.campaign.BrandProfilename}</li>
                        <li><span class="rollOverHeading" >Name :</span>{$T.campaign.BrandProfilename}</li>
                        <li><span class="rollOverHeading" >Category :</span>{$T.campaign.BrandProfilename}</li>
                        <li><span class="rollOverHeading" >Channel :</span>{$T.campaign.BrandProfilename}</li>
                        <li><span class="rollOverHeading" >Audience Profile :</span>{$T.campaign.AudienceProfileName}</li>
                        <li><span class="rollOverHeading" >Gender :</span>{$T.campaign.BrandProfilename}</li>
                        <li><span class="rollOverHeading" >Age Group :</span>{$T.campaign.BrandProfilename}</li>
                        <li><span class="rollOverHeading" >Location :</span>{$T.campaign.BrandProfilename}</li>
                        <li><span class="rollOverHeading" >Status :</span>{$T.campaign.CampaignStatusName}</li>


Given above is the actual implementation of the template which will be rendered inside the div.In above code i have shown how to read the complex object returned from JSON.

10.  That's all what you need to do while implementing your own client side grid with paging,sorting and filtering functionality.

In Progress.........

  • Live Demo Page for the implementations shown here - i am working on a live demo page for the implementations shown here.
  • Source Code with whole solution and all the layers - i am working on making whole solution to be available as download
  • More generic form of this control which i will make once i get time.
  • Advanced filters and multi column sorting
  • Making the NextPage and PrevPage Functions more generic to accept the function name to be called and then calling that function only(if any of you implement this plz share here), i will do all these but it may take some time for me as i m very busy with my schedule.

If any of you have time and implemented the functionalities do share here as it will help many more people.

Stay tuned for more Action..........

Happy Programming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


You can have a look at the working demo at

Script to delete all data from Sql Server database

Sometimes while developing we have situations when  earlier fill some dummy data in our database in earlier stages of development using some data generation tools such as RedGate Sql Data Generator or EMS Data Generator.

This approach is good when we are in initial stages of kick off stages of a project, also after sometime we want to check some related and sensible data so we want to fill the data ourselves, thus now we want to delete all old data from the databas.

Another situation where this can be helpful is when our client wants to clear all his database for previous years and start a new or a fresh copy(This is a rare case but it's sometimes the demand of business)

Given below is the script which will let you delete all the records in the database and also preserve your referential integrity and also can reseed each table to their initial values.


EXEC sp_MSForEachTable '
 IF OBJECTPROPERTY(object_id(''?''), ''TableHasForeignRef'') = 1

This piece of script disables the referential integrity and deletes the data in all the tables.


This script again enables the referential integrity on all the tables.

EXEC sp_MSForEachTable ' 
IF OBJECTPROPERTY(object_id(''?''), ''TableHasIdentity'') = 1 

This script reset all the seed to their initial values.If you don't want to reseed your tables to initial values just skip this script.

Given below is the code put together for your convenience to use.


EXEC sp_MSForEachTable '
 IF OBJECTPROPERTY(object_id(''?''), ''TableHasForeignRef'') = 1


EXEC sp_MSForEachTable ' 
IF OBJECTPROPERTY(object_id(''?''), ''TableHasIdentity'') = 1 

“If someone wants to purchase Sql Server 2008 at a discounted price, you can purchase at a low price from eCostSoftware.”

Custom DAL having functions which recieve StoredProcedure Name and SortedList having key/value pairs as parameters to reduce code duplicacy by minimizing open() and close() connection.

Mostly whenever we code an enterprise project we should follow the n-tier model and divide our project into various tiers. Lets continue from the UI,so first tier is our UI ,from the UI we should we should make use of our Model layer objects which simply contains classes which map our requirements for the projects. Now from UI,we should create objects of Model Classes and pass these model classes to the Service class.This service class is nothing but it contains all the static functions which we require in our projects.Most of the application's service logic is applied in these classes, or we can say that these classes serve the Model Objects behaviour. Next comes the most important layer called Utility or some people might Directly call it DAL layer. Anyways the function of this layer is to interact with the Service Layer on one hand and on the other hand fetch and persist result to the database either using ad-hoc queries or using the stored procedure logic.Given below is the representation of this n-tier project arichitecture

In this article we will mainly concentrate on the DAL part or the last layer or tier in our architecture.In our model we are not using ad-hoc queries but only stored procedures.So we have developed a SqlHelper file which will recieve only the names of stored procedure and a sorted list having a key value pair of parameters which we will pass to the stored procedure. This layer will also handle every opening and closing of the connection to the database.We generally return a reader from the database to any point in our code but here we don't want to open and close connection in the application logic so we are converting the reader fetched from the database to the dataset and then finally returning the dataset in the application. There are various functions used in order to achieve this logic i will describe here a few important ones.You can download the whole file which is attached at the end of this article.

 1: public static void DBExecuteNonQuery(string storedProcedure, SqlCommand command)
 2: {
 3: using (var connection = new SqlConnection(ConnectionString))
 4: {
 5: connection.Open();
 6: command.CommandText = storedProcedure;
 7: command.Connection = connection;
 8: command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
 9: command.ExecuteNonQuery();
 10: }
 11: }

We are not using above function directly from the application service layers but it is being called from inside another sqlhelper function called "ConvertToSqlCommandForNonQuery" although it can be directly used but we want to follow our key,value transfer from the application thus we follow this pattern.So below given is our ConvertToSqlCommandForNonQuery function which takes stored procedure name and sortedlist as parameters,then it calls the DBExecuteNonQuery which we have seen just above after making a command out of the recieved SoretedList.

In this function we are also using a ConvertToSqlDBType function, it is used because the value we recieve as object and we now have to map the objects C# type to Sql Server Database type.So we have another function called ConvertToSqlDBType to achieve this.We will talk about it later.

 1: public static void ConvertToSqlCommandForNonQuery(string storedProcedure, SortedList<string, object> values)
 2: {
 3: var command = new SqlCommand();
 4: foreach (var value in values)
 5: {
 6: Type type = value.Value.GetType();
 7: SqlDbType sqlDBType = ConverToSqlDBType(type);
 8: command.Parameters.Add(value.Key, sqlDBType).Value = value.Value;
 9: }
 10: DBExecuteNonQuery(storedProcedure, command);
 11: }
Usage of above function is give below here SaveCategory recieves a model layer object called Category which contains information about the Category newly added now to persist these changes to Database we call our SqlHelper files ConvertToSqlCommandForNonQuery function and pass the name of the stored procedure and the parameterlist to the function.
Remember that ConvertToSqlCommandForNonQuery is used only when we want to insert,update or delete functions.
 1: public static void SaveCategory(Category category)
 2: {
 3: var parameterList = new SortedList<string, object>();
 4: parameterList.Add("categoryName", category.CategoryName);
 5: SqlHelper.ConvertToSqlCommandForNonQuery("usp_SaveCategory", parameterList);
 6: }
Similarly is the below given function called "DBExecuteScalar" it also takes a stored procedure name and a sortedlist as inputs and return the integer value.
This function also internally calls "DBExecuteScalar(string storedprocedurename,SqlCommand command)" like the above function
 1: public static Int32 DBExecuteScalar(string storedProcedure, SqlCommand command)
 2: {
 3: Int32 value = 0;
 4: using (var connection = new SqlConnection(ConnectionString))
 5: {
 6: connection.Open();
 7: command.CommandText = storedProcedure;
 8: command.Connection = connection;
 9: command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
 10: value = (Int32) command.ExecuteScalar();
 11: }
 12: return value;
 13: }


 1: public static Int32 DBExecuteScalar(string storedProcedure, SortedList<string, object> values)
 2: {
 3: var command = new SqlCommand();
 4: foreach (var value in values)
 5: {
 6: Type type = value.Value.GetType();
 7: SqlDbType sqlDBType = ConverToSqlDBType(type);
 8: command.Parameters.Add(value.Key, sqlDBType).Value = value.Value;
 9: }
 10: int retValue = DBExecuteScalar(storedProcedure, command);
 11: return retValue;
 12: }


Third set of functions are the main functions which first convert the datareader returned from the stored procedure to the dataset and then return this dataset to the application.We can very well return the datareader to the application and then iterate till the end of the reader but we are not doing here because we dont want to carry the opened connection to the application or simply we want to limit the connection flow only to the DAL layer.

 1: public static DataSet DBExecuteReader(string storedProcedure)
 2: {
 3: SqlDataReader reader = null;
 4: var command = new SqlCommand();
 5: using (var connection = new SqlConnection(ConnectionString))
 6: {
 7: connection.Open();
 8: command.CommandText = storedProcedure;
 9: command.Connection = connection;
 10: command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
 11: reader = command.ExecuteReader();
 13: var dataSet = new DataSet();
 14: do
 15: {
 17: DataTable schemaTable = reader.GetSchemaTable();
 18: var dataTable = new DataTable();
 20: if (schemaTable != null)
 21: {
 22: for (int i = 0; i < schemaTable.Rows.Count; i++)
 23: {
 24: DataRow dataRow = schemaTable.Rows[i];
 25: var columnName = (string) dataRow["ColumnName"];
 26: var column = new DataColumn(columnName, (Type) dataRow["DataType"]);
 27: dataTable.Columns.Add(column);
 28: }
 30: dataSet.Tables.Add(dataTable);
 31: while (reader.Read())
 32: {
 33: DataRow dataRow = dataTable.NewRow();
 35: for (int i = 0; i < reader.FieldCount; i++)
 36: dataRow[i] = reader.GetValue(i);
 38: dataTable.Rows.Add(dataRow);
 39: }
 40: }
 41: else
 42: {
 45: var column = new DataColumn("RowsAffected");
 46: dataTable.Columns.Add(column);
 47: dataSet.Tables.Add(dataTable);
 48: DataRow dataRow = dataTable.NewRow();
 49: dataRow[0] = reader.RecordsAffected;
 50: dataTable.Rows.Add(dataRow);
 51: }
 52: } while (reader.NextResult());
 53: return dataSet;
 54: }
 55: }
 1: public static DataSet DBExecuteReader(string storedProcedure, SqlCommand command)
 2: {
 3: SqlDataReader reader = null;
 4: using (var connection = new SqlConnection(ConnectionString))
 5: {
 6: connection.Open();
 7: command.CommandText = storedProcedure;
 8: command.Connection = connection;
 9: command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
 10: reader = command.ExecuteReader();
 13: var dataSet = new DataSet();
 14: do
 15: {
 17: DataTable schemaTable = reader.GetSchemaTable();
 18: var dataTable = new DataTable();
 20: if (schemaTable != null)
 21: {
 23: for (int i = 0; i < schemaTable.Rows.Count; i++)
 24: {
 25: DataRow dataRow = schemaTable.Rows[i];
 27: var columnName = (string) dataRow["ColumnName"];
 29: var column = new DataColumn(columnName, (Type) dataRow["DataType"]);
 30: dataTable.Columns.Add(column);
 31: }
 33: dataSet.Tables.Add(dataTable);
 36: while (reader.Read())
 37: {
 38: DataRow dataRow = dataTable.NewRow();
 40: for (int i = 0; i < reader.FieldCount; i++)
 41: dataRow[i] = reader.GetValue(i);
 43: dataTable.Rows.Add(dataRow);
 44: }
 45: }
 46: else
 47: {
 49: var column = new DataColumn("RowsAffected");
 50: dataTable.Columns.Add(column);
 51: dataSet.Tables.Add(dataTable);
 52: DataRow dataRow = dataTable.NewRow();
 53: dataRow[0] = reader.RecordsAffected;
 54: dataTable.Rows.Add(dataRow);
 55: }
 56: } while (reader.NextResult());
 57: return dataSet;
 58: }
 59: }


 1: public static DataSet ConvertToSqlCommand(string storedProcedure, SortedList<string, object> values)
 2: {
 3: var command = new SqlCommand();
 4: foreach (var value in values)
 5: {
 6: Type type = value.Value.GetType();
 7: SqlDbType sqlDBType = ConverToSqlDBType(type);
 9: command.Parameters.Add(value.Key, sqlDBType).Value = value.Value;
 11: }
 12: DataSet dataSet = DBExecuteReader(storedProcedure, command);
 13: return dataSet;
 14: }


Given below is the example of the "ConvertToSqlCommand" function.Here we are populating all the categories of a particular user.

 1: public static List<Category> PopulateUserCategory(int userID)
 2: {
 3: var categoryList = new List<Category>();
 4: var parameterList = new SortedList<string, object>();
 5: parameterList.Add("@userID", userID);
 6: DataSet dataSet = SqlHelper.ConvertToSqlCommand("usp_GetAllCategoriesByUserID", parameterList);
 7: DataTable dataTable = dataSet.Tables[0];
 8: foreach (DataRow dataRow in dataTable.Rows)
 9: {
 10: var category = new Category();
 11: category.CategoryID = Convert.ToInt32(dataRow["CategoryID"]);
 12: category.CategoryName = Convert.ToString(dataRow["CategoryName"]);
 13: categoryList.Add(category);
 14: }
 15: return categoryList;
 16: }


This is the "ConvertToSqlDBType" function which we use to convert C# types to SqlDBTypes.Given below are some common type conversions you can very well enhance this list and do whatever you feel like.

 1: public static SqlDbType ConverToSqlDBType(Type systemType)
 2: {
 4: switch (systemType.Name)
 5: {
 6: case "Int32":
 7: return SqlDbType.Int;
 8: case "String":
 9: return SqlDbType.NVarChar;
 10: case "DateTime":
 11: return SqlDbType.DateTime;
 12: case "Boolean":
 13: return SqlDbType.Bit;
 14: default:
 15: return SqlDbType.VarChar;
 16: }
 17: }


So above was an article on how to follow a layerd approach in an n-tier enterprise solution and this article also gave a small insight on how to handle Database calls from within the Data Access Layer and also how to efficiently opening and closing the database connection.
It also talked about the various functions which we have designed in order to talk to the database.
You are free to extend it and modify it according to your needs and use it inside your projects.
Uploaded Below is the SqlHelper.cs file which achieves the desired result.